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  • MWM Logo Slipmat

    When we made a small run of logo slip mats for our office and a couple of friends, a few requests came in and we realized there was a demand - so we had a limited edition produced for our merch shop. Grab them fast while they last. High-quality [...]

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    IDM @ X

    On 28 June, the Institut für (X) is dedicating an entire evening to Intelligent Dance Music (IDM). Together with local DJ and music collector P(h)onyCat as curator, they have put together a line-up for music lovers, but also for [...]

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    Mindcast.63 || Pat Flanders

    Imagine an enchanting sunset gracing the pristine beaches of Rügen, savored within the confines of a splendid beach bar boasting a remarkable sound system, featuring a walk-in subwoofer. Just when you think it can't get any cooler, the rain [...]

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