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  • IDM @ X

    11 Jun 2024
    IDM @ X

    On 28 June, the Institut für (X) is dedicating an entire evening to Intelligent Dance Music (IDM). Together with local DJ and music collector P(h)onyCat as curator, they have put together a line-up for music lovers, but also for [...]

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    Mindcast.60 || Phreakwavez

    We start the new year with a powerful mix by Francesco Arancio, who invites us to surf his PHREAKWAVEZ. Since his arrival in 2010, the Berliner-by-choice has been mixing up the city's electronic music scene. His bright and curious nature involved him[...]

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    Mindcast.60 || Phreakwavez

    // Mindcast Mixtape by Phreakwavez, 01/2021. More info: https://mindwaves-music.com/mindcast

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    Mindcast.56 || Karsten Pflum

    With issue fifty six we are happy to welcome back our homie KARSTEN PFLUM. With his meanwhile fifth installment for Mindcast we now could call him a regular.  Fans of the series therefore do not need a further introduction, but we’d [...]

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    Karsten Pflum - Slaphead Faun

    When Karsten Pflum started making music about 12 years ago, he was using the moniker Slaphead Faun, but when his first releases were hitting the shelves in 2002 he discarded the name again. Since 2002 Pflum has released three albums, but now Slaphead[...]

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    Mindcast.34 // Axiom

    No space for pos­ing or atti­tude – it’s all about music! Berlin based AXIOM started play­ing elec­tronic music in the 90s. The biggest impact on him in that time after a still rooted hip hop period was techno and electro.[...]

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