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  • Mindcast.03 // Midori Hirano

    We are stoked to present this month´s episode of the MINDCAST series, a diverse and entertaining mix of contemporary electronica, compiled by the multi talented artist MIDORI HIRANO. Midori is a Japanese musician, composer, sound artist and [...]

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    Mindcast.02 // Karsten Pflum

    This MINDCAST is an exclusive and lovingly made mix with a selection of chill gems by our beloved and much respected friend, as well as highly recommended artist, KARSTEN PFLUM. Pflum has a very eclectic discography spanning over ten years, with[...]

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    Mindcast.01 // The Ebertbrothers

    We are proud and happy to start our new MINDCAST series. It suppose to present you exclusive DJ mixes or live sets from mostly Mindwaves Music members, but also friend artists who have played at our events for example. Artistic support comes from [...]

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