Transmission is a show/event and networking platform dedicated to the musical underground of Berlin - this time we are celebrating : 02 Years || Transmi::ion Berlin 15 Years || Mindwaves Music 45 Years || Pat Flanders on three Floors [...]
As The Ebertbrothers' previous releases and their Mindcast DJ mixes show, the two brothers are fascinated by a wide variety of musical genres. So the idea of having all the tracks from their current album "Polymer Boulevard" remixed by [...]
|| Mindcast Mixtape by Pλяλпd, 03/2021. More info:
Episode 62 is the first mix by Berlin DJ & producer PΛЯΛПD (Parand) here at Mindcast, but most probably not the last. The classical pianist discovered her passion for electronic music early on and began experimenting with [...]
After almost five years, THE EBERTBROTHERS return to Mindcast with one of their eclectic time travels through the musical underground. We're thrilled to present another of their exceptional mixtapes - not only because they're always packed [...]
// Mindcast Mixtape by The Ebertbrothers, 02/2021. More info:
We start the new year with a powerful mix by Francesco Arancio, who invites us to surf his PHREAKWAVEZ. Since his arrival in 2010, the Berliner-by-choice has been mixing up the city's electronic music scene. His bright and curious nature involved him[...]
// Mindcast Mixtape by Phreakwavez, 01/2021. More info:
Our latest issue of the Mindcast series is provided by PERNILLE, a longtime respected friend of the label. We met Pernille for the first time when she helped and supported us with her visuals on our first Mindwaves night at the Berghain [...]
// Mindcast Mixtape 11/2018. More info: