"Yahtzee" is the first single release from the Ebertbrothers' upcoming album, which features remix versions of their previously released record "Polymer Boulevard". Ultra Deep Field grabbed the nervous original version of “Yahtzee” [...]
Episode 62 is the first mix by Berlin DJ & producer PΛЯΛПD (Parand) here at Mindcast, but most probably not the last. The classical pianist discovered her passion for electronic music early on and began experimenting with [...]
After almost five years, THE EBERTBROTHERS return to Mindcast with one of their eclectic time travels through the musical underground. We're thrilled to present another of their exceptional mixtapes - not only because they're always packed [...]
// Mindcast Mixtape by The Ebertbrothers, 02/2021. More info: https://mindwaves-music.com/mindcast
We start the new year with a powerful mix by Francesco Arancio, who invites us to surf his PHREAKWAVEZ. Since his arrival in 2010, the Berliner-by-choice has been mixing up the city's electronic music scene. His bright and curious nature involved him[...]
// Mindcast Mixtape by Phreakwavez, 01/2021. More info: https://mindwaves-music.com/mindcast
Polymer Boulevard, the third release of The Ebertbrothers on Mindwaves Music, merges darkened cinematic ambiences with intricate rhythms and textures. Each of the eight tracks offers a distinct approach to contemporary electronics, surprising [...]
Let's face it, the year 2020 has not developed as most people had thought or hoped in advance. Of course, this also affected us here at MWM and gave us a lot of extra work, unfortunately mostly with non-label related projects, so that our beloved [...]
// Mindcast Mixtape by Rexob.B, 11/2020. More info: https://mindwaves-music.com/mindcast
After a three-year hiatus, Mindwaves Music awakens from hibernation and is rebooting with a brand new compilation called “Pnyø”. Eleven exclusive and previously unreleased tracks, carefully chosen by the labels in-house artist [...]