"Rotormesser (Serge Geyzel Remix)" is the second single release from the Ebertbrothers' upcoming album "Polymer Boulevard Remixes", on which all tracks from the previous record "Polymer Boulevard" have been reworked by other selected artists. We [...]
"Yahtzee" is the first single release from the Ebertbrothers' upcoming album, which features remix versions of their previously released record "Polymer Boulevard". Ultra Deep Field grabbed the nervous original version of “Yahtzee” [...]
Polymer Boulevard, the third release of The Ebertbrothers on Mindwaves Music, merges darkened cinematic ambiences with intricate rhythms and textures. Each of the eight tracks offers a distinct approach to contemporary electronics, surprising [...]
Panoramas and Particles The Ebertbrothers are Axel and Michael Ebert, an artist/composer duo living and working in Berlin. They started to collaborate in 2006, first creating video art pieces, then moving more towards a combination of visual [...]
Nice feedback for THE EBERTBROTHERS "SUSTEN PASS" [press reviews] Cyclic Defrost / ...While at 19 tracks over 76 minutes there’s the occasional sense that things could have been trimmed down here slightly, on the whole ‘Susten Pass’ [...]
THE EBERTBROTHERS - SUSTEN PASS / NEW ALBUM / OUT NOW !!! Artist: THE EBERTBROTHERS Titel: SUSTEN PASS Label: Mindwaves Music Format: CD & Download Release Date: 20 May 2011 Mastering: Rashad Becker Artwork: The Ebertbrothers [...]
The Ebertbrothers are Axel and Michael Ebert, an artist duo living and working in Berlin. They started to collaborate in 2006, first creating video art pieces, then moving more towards audiovisual performances. Their video art has been screened on [...]