After a three-year hiatus, Mindwaves Music awakens from hibernation and is rebooting with a brand new compilation called “Pnyø”. Eleven exclusive and previously unreleased tracks, carefully chosen by the labels in-house artist [...]
P(h)onyCat is the moniker of Matilde Møller - a DJ, promoter and music lover based in Aarhus, Denmark. In the early 00's she was introduced to electronic music, and since then her devotion for sharing and promoting music has grown stronger day[...]
Fizzling the borders between different worlds of music, Berlin-based musician, Serge Geyzel originates from a classical and jazz music background. Born in Saratov, Russia, the musician dedicated 12 years of his life to the study of classical music, [...]
Karsten Pflum is a Danish producer of electronic music, living and working in Copenhagen. Pflum has been releasing music since 2002 on various labels such as Worm Interface (UK), Rump Recordings (Denmark), Ad Noiseam, Hymen, Suburban Trash and [...]