• Archive

  • Krake Festival

    KRAKE FESTIVAL ist an annual Berlin based festival for challenging electronic music and visual transduction. For 2011 KRAKE will consolidate its reputation as the most daring Berlin club festival with a massive line up of 6 days in 5 venues. [...]

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    Killekill meets Mindlab

    The first highlight of the month is right at the beginning: Mindwaves Music meets Killekill and has three live acts on the bill that move freely between electronica, idm and techno. Bjørn Svin and Karsten Pflum both released on Mindwaves in [...]

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    Killekill Summercamp 2013

    The second date of the Summercamp will be hosted by Crazy Language and Mindwaves Music. Both Berlin labels stand for a very experimental approach to electronic music. IDM, electro, ambient, dubstep, electronica, 8-bit, abstract/experimental - [...]

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