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  • IDM @ X

    11 Jun 2024
    IDM @ X

    On 28 June, the Institut für (X) is dedicating an entire evening to Intelligent Dance Music (IDM). Together with local DJ and music collector P(h)onyCat as curator, they have put together a line-up for music lovers, but also for [...]

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    Mindcast.50 || Grischa Lichtenberger

    The author of our little MINDCAST.50 anniversary is the sophisticated GRISCHA LICHTENBERGER who created an intriguing and diverse mix, including lot’s of material from his own archives. Grischa Lichtenberger (* 1983 in Bielefeld)[...]

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    10 Years Mindwaves Music @ Suicide Berlin

    Thursday // 25.05.2017 // 23:50 ▲Club Floor ROB HALL [Skam, Gescom] P-HOCTO [Don’t, Skirmish] AXIOM [Crazy Language, Skizze] ▲10 years Mindwaves Music Floor BADUN [Schematic Music, Mindwaves Music] live KARSTEN PFLUM [Hymen, Mindwaves [...]

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