• Archive

  • Mindcast.61 || The Ebertbrothers

    After almost five years, THE EBERTBROTHERS return to Mindcast with one of their eclectic time travels through the musical underground. We're thrilled to present another of their exceptional mixtapes - not only because they're always packed [...]

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    Mindcast.61 || The Ebertbrothers

    // Mindcast Mixtape by The Ebertbrothers, 02/2021. More info: https://mindwaves-music.com/mindcast

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    Mindcast.53 || Chrisse Kunst

    Our first Mindcast episode in 2019 is an extraordinary vinyl mix by our good friend CHRISSE KUNST, who takes us on a psychedelic journey through mostly eighties tribal, rock and world music, all in a laid back vibe. Chrisse is a freelance artist[...]

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    Mindcast.53 // Chrisse Kunst

    // Mindcast Mix Recording 01/2019. More info: https://mindwaves-music.com/mindcast

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